Episode 5: Managing my spoons with therapist Lauren Selfridge

Season #1

How do you tell people you have a chronic illness? Lauren Selfridge is San Fransisco based therapist who lives with remitting multiple sclerosis. In this episode of The Pyjama Interviews podcast she shares with Michelle Irving who to tell what, at work about your chronic illness, especially the tricky disclosures about an invisible illness.⁠ Plus how to manage your spoons and set up your day in ways that work for you and your body. And the insider tips on what are the qualities spoonies should look for in a great therapist & why.⁠

Plus in this episode all the details of how to book a complimentary consultation with Michelle in October 2021.

Connect with Lauren

Instagram: @laurenselfridgeofficial


Podcast: This is not what I ordered

Connect with Michelle

Complimentary Consult:

Instagram: @michelleirvingofficial

Queen of the Underworld Program

Music by Avy Summerlind